Inviting staff users

Justin Yuen -

To add new users, go to the Admin menu in the upper right and select Create/Send Invites

Then complete the invitation form, making sure to assign the new users to the correct team/s:

  • Email address(es): You can add people at the same time, separating email addresses with a comma, if they are all going to have the same access and be on the same teams.
  • User access level: Only Multco Staff are going to be Administrators, Provider staff with be General Users.
  • Teams: Staff should be on the Teams that correspond with their employer, their role, AND their site. If someone works at multiple sites or should have access to the data for multiple sites, they should be on the team for each site.
  • Data category: All Staff should be in the Data Category called “Staff”. 
  • Welcome message: You can customize the message that is sent with the invitation.
  • Send invites immediately or later: Uncheck the box if you don’t want to send the invite immediately. You can always send invites later. To send the invite later: Admin-> Users -> Manage Invitations ->Select users->Resend

You will need to send an invite to each staff you want to give access to — they will each receive a unique link to create their account to get access (meaning you won't be able to forward one person's invitation email and link to another person to use).


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