This Admin tab is where site owners can make customizations to the site, and make changes to best suite the team's needs!
Admin Tab Button: For site owners, the button lives in the upper right-hand corner of the site and can be accessed from any workspace page. Clicking the button will always take you to the page above.
By clicking the carrot next to the word "Admin", you can short cut to a few commonly used admin features, "Invite People", "Manage People", and "Site Announcements" - "Show All" will take you to the Admin page above.
Admin Categories: The types of changes you can make have been broken into categories, to help you find what you need. Throughout the help center you will see specifically how to change things in the admin tab.
Common Changes: We have pulled out some of the most common changes admin make to site, to make the process even quicker for you!
Contact Support: As always, you can contact our support team if you get stuck. We make it easy to ask for help by building in boxes where you can ask for help throughout our site.
Here's an FMYI Site Administrator training video: